Learn more about what we do


I run three different types of courses in my studio: 

- Regular Weekly Classes (three 12-week courses a year, Spring, Summer and Autumn Term)

- Pottery Parties (one-off or a series of half day/ full day sessions for groups up to 5 to celebrate an event/ try out pottery as a group prior to joining a regular class/ team building)

- One-off Workshops (a one-off specialist events based around an event or a specific type of firing or technique)


The course is really tailored around you and your needs.

We cover all the basic forms of pottery including casting, coiling, sculpting and hand-building, and my speciality throwing on the wheel.

My courses are aimed at people of all ages and abilities so there will be some in the class with more and some with less experience. We do a mixture of one to one teaching, and smaller and larger group demos.

I don’t have a set format for each term as it is based around what you want to get out of it. Everyone has a chance to do a bit of everything and learn something new.

Hopefully the above gives you a flavour of my courses.

If you have any further questions or queries then please let me know and perhaps we can discuss over the phone or you could come and visit the studio to have a look around.


You do not need to wear anything special but please be aware that you may get a bit mucky (especially your shoes) but most materials wash out easily. Aprons can  be provided (and gloves when needed) but where possible please bring your own due to Covid-19. Visors will be provided for all students using the studio (these are individual and stored separately; they will never be used by multiple students). Please wear a facemask when entering and existing the studio until your visor is in place. 


For those who haven’t visited the studio before the address is 41 Conway Close, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP2 8PS.

There should be plenty of parking in the car park or along the road. Head to the red door in the far left-hand corner of the square and through the gate as signposted; the studio is on your left as you come in. 

how to book

1. Please visit our online booking site
2. Complete the form and make payment to confirm your place.
3. Make sure you use the discount code to make use of the Earlybird Discount for priority and earlybird bookings

For Pottery Party enquiries please contact us for booking details.


Learn more about what we do

All ages and abilities These classes are for adults and children of all ages and abilities looking at many aspects of ceramics including throwing, hand-building, glazing and firing. The course is tailored around each students interests and abilities. ​

For more information about current and future classes please visit my  WEEKLY CLASSES page or GET IN TOUCH


Learn more about what we do

Half Day (2.5hrs)
Full Day (5hr)
A Pottery Party is the perfect way to celebrate a special occasion; a birthday, engagement, anniversary, new arrival or just a different, and fun way to have a fun day with friends or colleagues. Learn some new skills, use it as a team building exercise, or just come and have some fun! Pottery Parties are not just for adults, why not throw your kids a ceramic themed party for them and their friends after school, at a weekend or during the holidays. A different way to celebrate their birthday, or keep them entertained, whilst getting them into something crafty: and they'll be able to take their creations home afterwards (once they've been fired)

For more information please GET IN TOUCH


Learn more about what we do

Specialist, one-off events Throughout the year Adam holds a series of specialist workshops on specific techniques or themes.

 For more information please GET IN TOUCH


Adam has a wealth of knowledge ,talent and experience. I think he has the balance of letting people do their own thing and proactive direction.

Student, Summer Term 2020